Earlier this school year, we had a visitor who will be traveling around the United States.    (Depending on your server and the speed of your machine and modem, these pictures may take awhile to load. You can access each picture more quickly by simply clicking on the space marked. This will also show a bigger picture.)

    click for big picture Here is Healthy ...  click for big picture:

with a few of his Edgewood friends...                        and a bigger group of buddies.

Our buddy, Healthy Heart, stayed with us for 10 school days.  While here, Healthy had a chance to work with us as we used heart monitors to check how exercise effects our heart. click for big picture click for big picture:

We wear the heart monitors to help keep track of the speed of our heart.  If you do not have a heart monitor, you can also check your pulse by putting two fingers gently on your throat.  These heart rate monitors are neat computers that can show you the rate anytime you look at the "watch" receiver while you play or take a rest.

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This picture is everyone showing Mr."G", our Physical Education teacher, our heart rates.

Healthy also visited with our Music classes, they even made up a special song to sing.  All the kids seemed to love it and so did Healthy!!    Mrs. "M" made it up, it was called...

"I've Been Working On a Healthy Heart."

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You see, your heart is inside your body and we thought we would show you the inside of our school as a comparison.  The rooms are kind of like all the parts of your body.  You have arms, legs, mouth, ears, and so on.  Hallways are kind of like the veins and arteries in your body taking blood to and from the heart; just like the kids go to and from classes.  During the visit, the 3rd graders helped Healthy find where to go while at our school.

    Can you guess which part of the school Mr. "G" , our Physical Education teacher, thinks is most like your heart?  Here's a hint, it is the most IMPORTANT part of the body and of  your school.  Hint # 2   No, it's not the principals office,although that is very important part too.
Hint # 3 If you still need help...  it is great place to have lots of fun and work all the muscles, including some of Healthy's relatives.


The Gymnasium and Physical Education Class of course !!!!

    This is our school Principal, some students and the guest of honor.   Healthy even had a chance to visit with the big guy during the time at Edgewood.  Mr. "N" is a great guy, he a has a good sense of humor, likes kids lots,  and enjoyed having a special visit from our buddy Healthy. One of the trinkets sent with our traveler was even given to Healthy  by Mr."N" and he also asked the P.T.O. to give Healthy one of the school license plates too, pretty cool! Huh!

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Before the trip was over a few 3rd graders had a chance to say a special so long to Healthy,  wave goodbye, and pass on the school trinkets and license plate.  We hope you have fun on the rest of your trip Healthy ! Make sure to stay in touch and write as whenever you can. We will always remember you and the important things we talked about to take care of our hearts. Maybe you can come back and visit some time... BYE !!!
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Check out our other exercise club: