idea of challenging yourself, is not a new one. Many
people have used the phrase in a variety of situations. In fact,
it is an idea for which I give my parents most of the credit. As
I was growing up,my parents provided me with this ideal. It was not
so much a direct quotation as it was a concept by which to live. Everyone gets different things from the parents, whether their parents intend it
or not. Challenging myself to do bigger and better things, or just to improve
on the things I was already able to do, is something which I still
feel is meaningful . The idea of competition with oneself is the
type that is most important. Competition with others is not a bad
thing but it can sometimes get overwhelming and loose its true meaning.
In contrast, the significance of competing with yourself has great
value. People need to learn how to take risks in a controlled situation
as they grow. Later these similar situations will present real life implications.
In physical education class, I hope to help the students to see that it
is okay to make mistakes. Learning through your mistakes can prove
beneficial. "No one knows what it is that he can do until he tries."(SYRUS)
I have frequently used this concept in my
physical education lessons. Tasks given will provide a
level of success for all individuals, and also items that are open-ended.
These open-ended activities allow for students to try difficult tasks without
any real threat of failure. I try to stress the need to stretch your
limits, and learn along the way. This, I believe, is the message
behind the credo of challenge yourself.
Challenge" Drain your brain...
1. Name and spell five muscles found in the human body.
2. Name and spell five bones found in the human body.
3. Name the winner of last season’s Superbowl. How about the year before? and before?
4. Name the winner of last season’s World Series. How about the year before? and before?
5. Name the winner of last season’s NBA playoffs. How about the year before? and before?
6. Name the winner of last season’s NHL Stanley Cup Champions. How about the year before? and before
7. How many yards are in a mile?
8. Explain how to take your pulse, and explain what it measures.
9. What is the difference between a six yard kick and a corner kick? What sport are they from?
Here are a few
that might be tougher:( You may want to grab an adult and
play together)
To check answers,
go to Trivia
Answer Section
10.Who's the first baseman in Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First?" routine?
11. "Mancinism"-does that describe a southpaw or a righty?
12. What heavyweight boxer, who defended his crown a record 25 times, once saidabout an opponent," He can run, but he can't hide"?
13. In the game of Yahtzee, how many points is a full house?
14.Columbia, Harvard, Yale and Princeton were the original four schools in a college athletic league. The Roman numeral four is IV so they decided to call themselves the "Ivy League."...True or False?
15.In billiards (pool) are the low-numbered balls solid or striped?
Check answers, go to Trivia
Answer Section
Fitness Experiments" See
if you can ...
You may be 7 times smarter than you already
know. You may be smarter than you think because recent research has
been able to show that there are more ways to learning then previously
thought. All individuals have certain areas in which they excel and
those where they feel most comfortable. A good example is the person
who loves to work with numbers and figures just for fun. There are
other people who find reading to be both relaxing and enjoyable.
This may not come as much of a surprise to most people. Many of us
feel very comfortable in math or reading yet uneasy when it comes to the
other area.
The researchers have gone a step further;
however, than just deciding whether an individual is stronger in the math
and sciences or the language arts. David Lazear, "Seven ways of Knowing:
Teaching for Multiple Intelligence's," and other scientists now believe
that there are at least 7 or 8 types of intelligence, and possibly
more. These intellect categories span a wide variety of topics from
musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial and bodily-kinesthetic. Adults as
well as children are thought to have a varying degree of all of these subject
areas, with concentrations in one or two most likely. Things like
interpersonal, or how we get along with others, intrapersonal, how we handle
our own problems and even environmental intelligence all have a place in
this theory. It is for this reason that both the school and the workplace
have been undergoing massive changes in the past few years.
Changes in the approach to learning and
business include the way in which problems are attacked and solved.
Students can and do learn in all of these classifications, student with
their own individual breakdown for each. The gymnasium presents the
unique opportunity to address several aspects at one time. The physical
aspect has long been the focus and will continue to be the primary target.
In addition, the physical education class can serve as a link to traditional
academic subjects. Teams of teachers are working together to
integrate the ideas of the classroom into the gymnasium. Physical
Education games now have a primary physical focus and a secondary academic
concept such as geometry, maps, addition, volcanoes, etc. We are
now able to reach a new part of the student that may have gone untapped.
I have often heard people say "I can understand it better if I do it."
Your students are now doing just that in many physical education classes
across the United States and the world. "Physical education is the
one subject matter where the ‘whole’ learner can be addressed on a continuous
basis" (Curt Hinson 1993)
Education..What is it all about today?
"Tell me, show me, but most of all involve
me," this is a phrase which is very popular among physical educators.
Physical Education is still primarily about teaching our body to do a variety
of skills. The major change in physical education is the approach
to reaching this goal. Traditional classes held in the gymnasium
were what is known as command style; where the teacher was in total control
and the students followed "orders" of a sort. This type of instruction
did have its merit, but only for select students; this format falls under
"tell me." Many innovative teachers realized a need for more and
developed a style called demonstration; this style is a little more approachable.
Using this method could be referred to as "show me," where students would
go through the steps of a skill or activity. This style was able
to able to reach even more students, but something was still missing.
The final portion of the quote says "involve me." Representative
of this idea, physical educators include their students more then ever
in all parts of the classroom experience.
Students are actively learning how their body works,
not only how to shoot baskets, but the inner workings of physiology.
In the process of developing a better understanding of how their body functions
and the direct effect everything that we do has on it students are able
to improve the physical skills and knowledge of game and sport.
The students participate in activities in which they must record and/or
monitor the own pulse. Pulse measure the rate which a persons heart
is pumping blood through the body. Students become aware of pulse;
what it is, what it measures, how their actions effect it, and methods
of control. The ultimate outcome is to participate in a lifetime
of activity which will enhance each individuals life. The knowledge
of movement, proper exercise techniques, and how to play is important.
People have a need to play, a means of expressing their physical creativity
and wisdom. Play is important to those of all ages, the need for
change and excitement are often fulfilled by the physical portion of any
person. It is likely that the idea of vacations grew out of this concept.
The mental part of the body is capable of building up large amounts of
stress, this stress can be eliminated in a positive way through play.
Chemicals are even released during exercise which can help a person to
feel better. Children, and sometimes adults, need to be taught how
to play. It is not unfortunately a skill that comes naturally to
all students.
Many of today's physical educators integrate their
physical curriculum with classroom subjects. Areas like reading,
spelling, geography, math, science, art, and music are now reinforced
in game format. With the help and support of classroom teachers the Physical
education specialist can create new versions of games and modifications
of traditional activities. The terms, vocabulary and concepts of
topics covered in the classroom can reach a different level of learning
and a different style of learner. Ultimately the education of the
"whole" student overlaps creating "a healthy mind, in a healthy body. "
The main goal of any solid physical education program, is to provide the
best learning opportunity for each student. Reaching students at
individual levels and then challenging them to stretch those limits.
The theory of multiple intelligence's defines seven or more separate types
of learning. Integration can combine the physical, or kinesthetic,
with the areas of math, logic, science, verbal/linguistic, and even environmental.
In effect it allows for each students learning style to be strengthened
through the use of a variety of subject areas.
Walkers Club
This fall the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students
started walking in physical education class, but with a goal in mind.
The goal was to explore the great state of Pennsylvania by walking.
We decided to compile our distance and take a fictional journey to various
places within our state. We plan on stopping at many of the major
cities and locations. In addition, the students have sent their autographs
and some holiday cards to 6 schools in other parts of Pennsylvania so far.
We intend to correspond with their students during our trip. The
next step, along with collecting more miles, is to get together some information
packages on our local area. The local areas which we decided to focus
on include Yardley, Washington’s Crossing, Doylestown and Philadelphia.
Student teams are working on mini projects to be sent to these other schools
with the facts and fun stuff of these areas. Letters, posters, polls
and artwork are being created to be mailed to these other schools.
Our PA Walkers club penpals are located in the Harrisburg, Pittsburgh,
Hershey and Hazelton areas. We are hoping to receive some information
back from these schools when they get rolling.
The main object of the project is to get our
students moving. However; the 4th grade teachers and I thought it
might be beneficial to combine the academic and physical aspects of study.
The goal is that it will be fun for all involved and we may get some insight
not possible through just reading textbooks. Below is a list
of the schools which joined us in the PA Walkers Club. They are compiling
their own mileage and packets to be mailed. Wish us luck!!
George Hasker
Todd F. Bedard
Mountain View
Hazleton ,PA 18201
400 Gibbel Road Harrisburg, PA 17112
4th - Mr. Daniels, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Farber
Earl Bright
Gerry Cernicky
Steelton-Highspire Elementary
Allegheny /Hyde Park Elementary
4th and Walnut St.
300 School Road
Steelton, PA 17113
Leechburg , PA15656
Miss Shirey(4A) &Miss Soska(4B)
Gerry Cernicky
Gerry Cernicky
Weinels Elementary
Laurel Point
6630 Shearsburg Rd.
Leechburg,PA 15656
Vandergrift,PA 15690
Mrs. Soulier(4A) & Mrs. Carnahan(4B).
Mrs. Duppstadt
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Here are some activities you may already do, that are great fun to try as a family and wonderful for large muscle development: